14 August 2007

Thank You LAM

LAM Sept

Thank You LAM
Thank you for allowing Malaysia Chinese Theatre 's news and informations to be published in LAM for last 1 year since September 2006.

Although it was written in Chinese which make most of you unable to understand what is going on among the Chinese theater troupe, however, the development of Malaysia Theater Art is not segregated in different division such as cultures, races, religions and languages. Yet, it allows different multiculture to florish among it.

Malaysia Chinese Theater is growing slowly and steadily due to our nature and tempo of life style. The creativity of our works are adapted from our country, the content and issue are captured from this piece of land. We are proud to say that we are: Made in Malaysia.

We realised the language is one of the barrier to encourage more audience from different languages background to go into another language speaking troupe. As the step to improve exchanging among multiraces, most of the Chinese plays were subtitle, some are multilingual.

We will do our best to minimizing the barriers of language to enable the arts, ideal and understandings to be shared among all Malaysian.

By: Goh You Ping

再次感谢LAM以及两位灵魂人物,拿督Faridah 及Joe Hasham.
谢谢UncleSam 持续为我们义务排版。

